Sunday, October 19, 2008


CIMG0174, originally uploaded by mikerzimmerman.

i saw this while wandering around near my dorm this morning, i think it is a video game store? not sure though, perhaps i'll wander in on another day. today i hope to figure out how to teach these children so that i can finally relax and get some closure to this transitional period. ahh what fun!

Saturday, October 18, 2008


plug this into google maps for my local!

同安街336巷, Taoyuan City, Taoyuan County, Taiwan 330


Friday, October 17, 2008

So it begins.

CIMG0150, originally uploaded by mikerzimmerman.

I took this picture earlier today when i was wandering around my new quarters, it looked interestingly slummy. Noteworthy discoveries:

People wear really cool scooter masks.

Some people even wear scooter-gloves.

I get stared at frequently.

I really want a scooter.

That is all, for now.


CIMG0116, originally uploaded by mikerzimmerman.

i had originally taken credit for the majesty and fance of this picture, but due to the threat of legal action i must give credit to sara:

Thursday, October 16, 2008

holy fucking shit

holy fucking shit. i'm at the airport and about to get onto a plane and fly to cincy where i'll sit for 2 hours then fly to LA where i will sit for another 2 hours then fly 14 goddamn hours to a place i've never been, to live there, for a year. all the stomach twisting and anxiety be damned! now is the time and i am too far in to go back. i will miss many people and will look forward to seeing familiar faces on this machine, especially my really pretty girlfriend! i will attempt to update when possible! more later!

oh and travis schmidt who ever you are,  thanks for sharing your itunes music library, i enjoyed the broken social scene selections

Friday, October 3, 2008

Princess Beezly

CIMG0028, originally uploaded by mikerzimmerman.

I've accomplished nothing today so far, got a late start and am trying to get all my website viewing up to date. Still waiting on the mail and my digital camera mem card. Until then my friends, keep hope alive!

oh and this is funny:

Thursday, October 2, 2008

neat fall time picture

CIMG0010, originally uploaded by mikerzimmerman.

i took this yesterday, oct 1. it seemed like a nice time to take a pre-fall picture

morning blog

Hey there lil chilluns, how's it hanging? I've been spending my morning dining on a tasty egg sandwich and some coffee form the starbucks. I've also been catching up on my news via WYSO, and looking forward to some high-brow politicking this evening with both the office and the vp debates. In other news, i'm currently waiting for my new digital camera's memory card to come in the mail, trying to unlock my iphone so i can plop a taiwanese sim card into it and make calls, all the while mentally preparing myself for an ever-encroaching intercontinental move. 

goals and aspirations for the day:

1.set up an appointment to get a Hep A/B, Japanese Encephalitis, Dengue and Yellow fever vaccine

2.unlock my phone, or figure out what is going on with it

3.make some money

4.maintain the status quo and perhaps see a bad movie at the neon

until next time, zai jian!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Live blog 1

Live blog 1, originally uploaded by mikerzimmerman.

So fast! Fancy the internet and witness its majesty!!!


CIMG0007, originally uploaded by mikerzimmerman.



CIMG0004, originally uploaded by mikerzimmerman.


Hey kids!

Hey there everyone, i know it's been a while since i rapped at ya, and for that i am sorry, but it's time to fire up the fingers and adjust those laptop screens cause here we go! 

Firstly, i got a digital camera from today, these may appear somewhere on this webpage, i dont have time to figure out how to blog my flickr pics just yet. ahh i have to go anyway and take some pictures with my lovely lady-friend.

more later!